My Week
This Week I learned.... about crossword pusels.
One hard thing this week was... when I did math.
One easy thing this week was... the spelling test because I nowe how to spell all the words in the spelling test. (she is so modest)
I had fun when... I did math.
My goal next week is to... be good because I love to be good.
Every week her favorite thing is either math or science. In addition almost every week she mentions about being good. Having spoken with her teacher she is always good, it isn't like she is getting in trouble or has to go sit in the "chill" chair. The fact is that Jessica loves to be good, she hates getting in trouble or doing the wrong thing. My other child.... not so much.
Went to Jessica's conference this week, she is doing great. Scoring at an end of second grade level on her reading. Wish we could take credit for her success but it is all her, every day we are amazed at her progress. She has been devouring books lately. We checked out all the Weather Fairy books in the library and they were all read in a matter of days. She can't wait to read them. I am afraid we have gone through all the Library has to offer on that series. I think they will definitely be under the tree for her- the Jewel Fairies are next.