Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Justin is 6!

When we got back from Cape Cod I had 5 sessions plus my friend Sharon's wedding pictures to proof, so we stuck around town. One of our favorite things that we discovered this summer is Spec Pond. It is a little beach/pond area run by the Rec department. It is very fun. It doesn't open until 11am- so the kids let me work in the morning and then after lunch we would go to Spec. I have yet to take any picture at Spec but hopefully I will some time.

At the end of the week was Justin's big day. For his birthday dinner he chose homemade Mac and Cheese- AND THAT'S IT! Which means he wanted no vegetables to grace his plate and because it was his birthday- we agreed. Dee and Grandmommy came up for dinner.

For Dessert Justin request brownies (cake comes at the birthday party). Justin and I made the brownies and we put J6H in M&Ms on top.

Justin had some troubles blowing out his candles- so his third try he got a little help (he was not pleased).
He was pretty funny all day- he kept saying he was not 6 years old because it was not his birthday party day. When we told him he turned 6 on his birthday day he was resistant. Finally in frustration I turned to him and said something like, "you are such a freak today is your birthday you are 6!"- he harumphed and walked away but he didn't resist me anymore.

1 comment:

Mrs. Cook said...

Too cute! I love the mac and cheese w/ no veggie request. Pretty sure that would be my son's choice as well. :)