I went on a bit of a volunteering binge at the end of school- a little too much I am afraid. I joined Justin's Kindergarten class for a field trip to the local zoo.
Later in the week I was supposed to help with Jessica's field day. BUT... when I spoke with the woman who was setting it up she mentioned that she had more than enough helpers. SO... I showed up late (oops) and it was already going and they didn't need me after all (yeah not the best mother of the year move). So I hung out with Jessica group for a little bit.
Here is her teacher Mrs W- she was the teacher assigned to Jessica's group- Synchronized Swimming (that was the name of her group). There are children from all the grades in each of the groups. Mrs W had these glasses she claimed brought good luck.
Also this week were the try-outs for the soccer league. Jessica played for the rec dept team last year- and it wasn't a great experience. Here is the thing- Jessica is not that good at all. She doesn't really like to run and is very hesitant to approach the ball. Her coach would play her for exactly 1/2 of a half = 10 minutes of a 40 minute game. NEVER a minute more. Anyway- when the flyer came home announcing try outs for the more competitive town league she made sure I saw the flyer and mentioned it many times. Here is the problem: Jessica doesn't know she is not that good. I am not overly complimentary on her performance or skills- she just has an amazing self protective or positive view of herself. I was hesitant to throw her into this league, but after our negative experience at Rec we thought it was worth a shot. At Rec it was a team made up of 3rd/ 4th/ 5th graders and at least on this team it will only be 4th graders. They quickly sorted the girls by skill level and Jessica fell to the bottom- no surprise. Basically she enjoys playing and we are going to encourage that as long as possible.Here she is on the second night of try-outs (um she is not attacking the ball it is actually go right past her).
I have to say it is hard to be the parent of non-athletic child playing sports in this town. It seems there is an unusually high number of very good athletic children. Our town is often the regional champs in various sports. But we will continue to chug along at the bottom of the pack and hope to find our place eventually.
Danielle got me sunglasses just like those as a real (not gag) Christmas present -- they're purple for K-State. Her logic was that they would be quite convenient -- sunglasses and earrings in one and since I always wear earrings and often wear sunglasses...why not?
Love your athletics attitude. So far we have one TOTAL non-athlete and one who made end up being quite good. Not easy!
Danielle got me sunglasses just like those as a real (not gag) Christmas present -- they're purple for K-State. Her logic was that they would be quite convenient -- sunglasses and earrings in one and since I always wear earrings and often wear sunglasses...why not?
Love your athletics attitude. So far we have one TOTAL non-athlete and one who made end up being quite good. Not easy!
Umm...just saw her the roster for the middle team. Middle is not bottom! Way to go J!!!
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