We spent Memorial Day at Camp Jewell YMCA this year. Camp Jewell is very special to me in many ways. When I was very little I used to go up there with my Dad and sister for Indian Princess weekends- this was a YMCA program for fathers and daughters. Then much later we went with our mother for New Year's Family Camp weekends. It was one of these weekends during my freshman year of college that the camp director approached me and asked what I was doing for the summer and would I consider being a camp counselor. And so it began... that was 20 years ago. I worked at Jewell for 3 summers as well as weekends during the year.
The kids had a such a great time at Frost Valley YMCA last year, we decided to give Jewell a try this year. Since Jewell is closer and cheaper we invited the Odells to come join us and they agreed. I have to give them credit, they jumped in with both feet and no real idea what they were getting into.
We arrived around 6:30 on Friday night at almost exactly the same time as the Odells- perfect timing. We unloaded the cars, set up the beds and headed out. The first activity we went to was Mt. Wood, the big climbing tower outside the dining hall. Both my kids got suited up and headed up the tower. Justin struggled a little at first but Jessica cruised up her side.
As the kids were coming down I might have been heard boasting a little about my previous Mt Wood climbing skills. Needless to say Bec made me put up or shut up. I am quite relieved to say I still got skills!
We went into the Dining Hall to create our family tree sign. We then headed to bed in great excitement of the coming day. Quite unfortunately our next day began far earlier than any of us would have liked. Many of us were awake at 5:30am. Justin always wakes up early the first day at a new place- but he was not the biggest culprit this time. There was a group of boys that were wandering around camp and came upon the carpet bowling game that was on the porch of the lodge near us. The echoing sound of the banging balls woke Bec up in a panic that it was gunfire. We solved this problem on future mornings by merely taking the balls before we went to sleep at returning them on our way to breakfast in the morning.
Since we were awake, the girls and I decided to go on the 7am hike up Sunrise Mountain. We stopped by the waterfront on our way to the hike.
Now, I have hiked up Sunrise Mountain many times, but never at 7am. We got to the top and yelled "I love Camp Jewell".
Here are my two hiking mates!
After coming down we went to hang out at the Dining Hall and await the rest of the gang. There is a big slide next to the Dining Hall- brilliant! It was a great way to blow a couple of minutes before or after a meal. We would send the kids out while we finished our meals- or just sit at the top and watch while the kids went up and down over and over.
Justin and Jack in their glory coming up again!
After breakfast we went to the farm. This was one huge pig and it kept jumping up on the door and freaking us out- hysterical.
Justin fed some food to the goats.
There were these chickens running around. They are so used to kids and being picked up. Justin decided to give it a try. Look how proud he is :)
Emma gave it a try too!
The girls headed to Mt. Wood and the boys went to Archery. Go Jess!
Check out Emma, just before she rang the bell.
After lunch Jessica and I headed out to the Hide-A-Away Ranch camp area across the lake for a riding lesson. They offered riding lessons for anyone age 8 and up and trail rides for ages 10 and up- no extra cost. Only after I got there did it occur to me that I could have signed up for the lesson too for fun- duh. Emma signed up for a Trail ride a little later in the afternoon. When we arrived I went to sit down to watch and found this prickly little guy hanging out near by.
Jessica did so great on her lesson. This was her first time on a horse without someone else controlling the horse and she did great. She was very intent on listening to everything they told her and followed all of their instructions. She didn't freak out or lose her cool. One of the instructors came over to the fence after Jessica had passed by and told me that she was really doing a great job. I asked how much credit the horse gets and she admitted that Toby was a pretty good horse but that Jessica was doing great on her own.
That afternoon we dropped the kids off at Age Groups. They each went off with counselors and kids of their own age. Bec, Marc and I sat on Adirondack chairs looking out at the lake- so nice. That night we went to a great campfire program. All of the kids loved singing the songs and each of them got on stage at some point. So much fun. Here is a little video that Becky took of them at the campfire.
I have a bunch more pictures, but I am taking a break for now. We had a great time and by lunch on Saturday it was clear we were all planning on coming back next year. The kids got along great and a bit of a symbiotic relationship with each other. Since the Odells are older than my kids there is a hero worship thing that goes on and since my kids are very outgoing and more willing to try new things, their children get pulled along in their wake.
I promise I will blog about the rest of the weekend tomorrow.
Seriously looks like a blast. I'm going to talk to Chris and perhaps we'll join you next year!
Great photos....amazing color and clarity - particularly the water shots.
Awesome video.
wow - lots of memories come back when I see photos of Camp Jewell. Good thing that pier can't talk...
Uh, was there a nap after the 5:30 am wakeup? I saw no napping pictures.
Loved the pig shot. Sign should have said "Do not kiss the pig".
Tell Emma she's my OCD hero with the checklist. Love that girl.
Would have totally wimped out on Mt. Wood.
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