The weekend before Thanksgiving found our whole family in New York City but not together. Marc and Jessica already had plans to go to the city to visit with Josh and his family before they moved to Spain for 6 months. But Josh's family had another obligation during the day on Saturday so Jessica and Marc headed to see the Statue of Liberty. Our point and shoot camera had been missing since we moved out of our house so Marc borrowed the Tuckers. One of Marc's biggest accomplishments on this trip was feeling like he got a good handle on the subway system. Here is Jessica waiting for a train.

uh... not sure what is going on here, but I assume it is Jessica at the gift shop.

Unfortunately since it was the first weekend of a holiday week the crowds were huge and they couldn't get a ticket to see inside the statue- so Jessica lost interest pretty quickly.

Meanwhile.... in Hartford Justin and I went to Legofest with Becky and Jack. Please pardon the absolutely horrible pictures that I took on my Blackberry- yuck.

A huge Lego Hagrid!

ok, pretty sure you can't tell, but this is Justin sitting on a lego horse and Jack pretending like he is getting pulled along.

Unfortunately the crowd was HUGE and our boys do not like waiting in line very much so we left after about 2 hours.
Now earlier in the week I received an email from Katherine that she was heading to NYC that night (she lives in Hong Kong). She is notorious for flying in on a moments notice often making it difficult for us to get together. The exception was when she gave me almost a month's notice in September and I was able to get after school coverage and spend a wonderful 24 hours with her and Bruce and her parents. Well I told her that I could come down on Saturday but I would have to bring Justin with me, and she said no problem.
By the time we reached the city Jessica and Marc were done with their adventure and we all met at Katherine's hotel. Jessica was so excited to take Justin to Nintendo World so we all headed out. Needless to say the Pokemon area was quite a draw.

After going out to dinner at TGIF- yup we were in Manhattan and ate at TGIF. We split up and Marc and Jess headed back to the Tucker's apartment. Justin was still VERY hyped up so Kath and I took him back to Nintendo World where we let him jump around and play Wii for about an hour and we were able to have a nice visit.
We went back to the hotel and I explained that Justin would be sleeping with me or on the floor. Justin, never one to except the limits given to him made up his mind that he would be sharing Katherine's bed with her. They joked about it for awhile and then Katherine went into the bathroom, when she came out Justin was all tucked into her bed and patting the other side- "oh Katherine!". I offered to crawl in with him later but she is a good sport- and sleeps like the dead so she became his bedmate. In the morning we headed to her brother Doug's apartment to see her mom. Doug has 3 boys of his own so adding one more didn't phase anyone there. Sebastian, Doug's youngest, who is 9 took Justin under his wing and hung out with him most of the day. They did things like play video games and fence...

After Marc came by and picked up Justin to bring him home Sebastian said that Justin was one of the most energetic kids he had ever met. This caused us all to giggle because Sebastian is often described this very same way.
oh the good news is we have since located our point and shoot camera- no more pathetic Blackberry pictures for me.
another funny story- we passed a man on the streets of NYC dressed as Santa. As we passed by Santa said, "do you want to take a picture?" and I brush him off saying, "oh we don't have a camera" for which Justin busts me VERY loudly "yes you do! liar liar pants on fire!"