There is a big fair that happens here every year called the Big E. It runs for 2 weeks in September. Every year I pick the kids up early from school and bring them to the Big E. The first few years we would run into the D family. After awhile it became tradition and we tried to coordinate our schedules to go at the same time so we could be together. It works well for me since Jessica likes to do the roller coaster rides and Justin does not- this way she has someone with whom to go on the rides. Unfortunately my trip to Scotland was during the second week and the D family could not make it during the first week. So I gave the kids a choice. They could go with me on a gorgeous weather day but without their friends or they could go next week with their friends and Daddy, but who knows about the weather. Well I got dissed. Actually they tried to arrange a deal where they could go with me the first week and go again the next week too. Marc agreed to pick them up early and go to the Big E. This is a big deal because Marc is not a big fan of the Big E and would be happy to never go again. But he agreed. Unfortunately the weather was awful the week we were gone and it rained almost every day. They had a very soggy trip this year.
For the first time EVER Jessica actually got a little dizzy on a ride. Seriously I didn't think it was possible. Apparently Michelle convinced Jessica that if she ate something greasy she would feel better. Jessica was all too happy to try out this remedy.
Justin's first time on the "crazy mouse" roller coaster.
Marc will have to admit there is one thing he enjoys at the Big E...
LOL. It was a successful trip despite the yucky weather.
I love Marc's laugh when he slams into the unsuspecting little girl.
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