And we did NOTHING. Ugh. I had plans- really. I was going to be fun- I swear. We were going to go places and do things, but alas the FEVER had other plans. Jessica has had a fever since Tuesday. She has slept in my bed since Tuesday night as well- Daddy is upstairs in her room. We tried to kick her out tonight but alas the FEVER attacked again and she is back in our room. Luckily Justin seems to have escaped unscathed. Oh please oh please oh please don't let it hit him tomorrow and give me another week of doing nothing. I have felt most sorry for him. He is not sick but he has watched TV and played on the computer and gone nowhere all week (mind you he isn't complaining too much, he likes his TV and computer time). Of course he wants to know when it is his turn to sleep with Mommy.
The kids are on a huge Power Rangers kick right now. They watch new episodes every day and I rented a DVD from Blockbuster that they have watched over and over. On the bright side between Jessica's excellent reading skills and Justin vast knowledge and understanding of all things electronic they have throughly mastered the TiVO and DVD remotes. This means they really have no reason to wake us up until 9am or so when they get a little bored.
So unfortunately I have no pictures to post right now. The Dining Room is almost finished, just need to get the corner cabinet into the PODS as well as some boxes and then I can upload the before and after pics from there. Marc is hard at work on painting the bathroom and then all painting will be done. Then the really hard work of moving around furniture and cleaning up the basement and garage will begin-ugh. Tomorrow night is the Oscars so hopefully I will have some fun pictures from that to post. Until then, send positive non fever vibes our way!
8 years ago