The house went on the market on Monday. We had our first showing last night, pretty sure they aren't buying, they only stayed 15 minutes or so. Our open house is on Sunday. Now everyone send your good wishes our way that a) our house sells and b) we find a new house to move into- fingers crossed! If you would like to see our house listing
click here.
Very exciting! Should I go to the open house to spy? :)
Jessica told a friend's mom today that they could come see our house "for free" on Sunday. Love the idea of charging...
Of course I am sure many people might pay to see my house this clean.
Oh yeah she told someone else that our house is for sale and "it looks so much better now".
Gotta love it!! So, what happens if you sell and haven't found one you like?? Move in with the Hartzog's??
BTW, I LOVE that you are listing the books you've read this year. Brilliant idea.
Dee and her sister keep lists of the books they read, thought I would give it a try.
Thanks for inviting us, summering at the Hartzogs sounds great!
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