Thursday, May 8, 2008

Playdate with Lauren

Lauren came over for a playdate on Tuesday. Lately the weather has been beautiful so I keep kicking my kids outside. As Justin and Lauren get out of the car I say, "ok, go play in the backyard and I will bring your lunch outside". There is an audible groan from Lauren (it seems outside play is not her first choice). Justin, in his most sympathic voice says, "Sorry Lauren, beautiful day, beautiful day sorry" and then walked into the backyard. Totally made me laugh. After much negotiating they did eventually get to come in to play.

Now, this brings me to my pet peeve. There are many toys/ costume/ and other things around our house that might be deemed "girl" items or "boy" items. We have always said we don't have boy and girl toys in our house everyone can play with anything. Which brings me to these pictures...

Please note the "fierce" look they both gave me. Also notice the batman sword sticking in his skirt waistband. So what is my pet peeve you ask? Ok I will tell you. Why is it such a taboo for a boy to play with these items? Why is it that someone upon seeing the above picture probably thought "gasp! wonder what Marc thinks of his SON in a skirt??". [um for the record Marc was home and he found it as amusing and harmless as I did]. Why is it this scandalous thing when Justin goes into school with fingernail polish on his hand? Now, please name for me ONE item that would have the same reaction if Jessica picked it up or put it on? I am waiting.... anything yet?... no you can't come up with it. Ok, I am stepping off my soapbox.

One more cute one of Lauren in the Belle dress, which she puts on every time she comes over, playing with the Star Wars guys. She is a good sport because I am almost certain she has no idea about Star Wars.


Kelly H. said...

Ok, I'm going to go with "athletic cup". I'm pretty sure that would register a few chuckles.

It's for this same reason I try not to make a funny face when my 3rd grader loves to rub noses with his best male friend and hug him in a way I'm certain other parents are gasping at.

And what, no "Luke, I am your faaaather," jokes????? Hello?? Luke/Star Wars?? Work with me, people.

Deb Hanna said...

I guess that is my point. We have worked so hard for female equality-girls can do anything boys can do. And I think we forgot about our boys. I can imagine the looks at Devin showing that kind of affection for his friend, yet a lot of "awwwww" if Julia did it, right? I am just saying it is too bad, because really Justin rocked that skirt!

Jomama said...

Deb, you sound just like your mother.

Kathy Stewart said...

laughing out loud at these pictures. Ryan LOVES to dress up in princess dresses and gloves and always asks, "Don't I look beautiful?" Ariel the mermaid is his favorite. As I write this, Ryan is wearing Buzz Lightyear costume and Rebecca is wearing the Woody costume. She has also taken an enormous liking to the superhero pool toys we acquired earlier in the summer.