I think I know a girl who is stalking my blog to see these pictures- Hi Katelyn!
Davis Farmland is a place that I have been meaning to go to for a few years. In my quest to be the fun day tripping mom this summer we headed out there with our friends. It is recommended for ages 2-8 so I knew I had to get there this year. It is a petting farm and has a big sprinkler park. Here we are waiting in the long line to get in- Justin had picked up a rock and put it in the waistband of his shorts so he wanted to share that- weirdo. Can you see Jen? She is trying to hide from my camera.

Look! Justin is AGAIN posing and smiling- love this new phase.

They have a whole "pretend" area. All of our kids enjoy that and they were having quite a good time. Here are Katelyn and Justin roasting pretend marshmallows over a pretend fire.

A different version... I won't share all 10 versions of this picture I seem to have :)

Justin loved this thing. You put food into the cup and then pull a rope and it dumps the food at the top for the goats that climb up there- he didn't care that there weren't any goats up there.

Lauren loving on the baby goats- we had to drag her out of their pen.

Here is the Llama that stole Jessica's feed cup- we thought it was so funny. A farmer guy went in and got the cup back and refilled it for Jessica.

Jessica took my camera and went off and took 45 pictures- I deleted most of them but here are two that she took.

We went to the sprinkler park after we ate our lunches. They boast having one of the largest in the state. We thought the kids would be in there forever but there was a bit of a breeze so they bailed out pretty quick. Katelyn and her cousin in the sprinkler park.

We went over to the the little racers next. I think this might be my favorite picture of the day. Justin and Lauren waiting in line.

The kids spent a long time in the sand box and playground area. At the end we had a great day- long and fun. Thanks for hanging with us K family!