By now you all know that one night on our beach vacation is Family Picture Night. We usually try to do it on Tuesday or Wednesday night. Usually in the middle, so we have a nice tan and we are relaxed but not too near the end. Unfortunately Jack's major face sunburn on Sunday meant we had to push it back- then on Wednesday it POURED rain in the afternoon and evening. Unfortunately the weather was very overcast on Thursday night- no nice blue sky or sunset pictures. But we decided Thursday night was much better than Friday night- since we leave early on Saturday and are usually packing on Friday night. We decided to just go for it on the overcast night.
I arrived at the beach with all the kids first and decided to get some pictures of them while we waited. {it seems Justin always ends up next to Emma- think we need to separate them a bit more next time}
And of course the crazy shot!
The girls: The boys: Our whole gang {Justin decided he wanted to have his arm around me and since it was a self timer deal and I had about 2 seconds I didn't fight him.} Our Crazy Shot: The Hartzogs. Historically the Hartzogs always seem to have so many nice pictures. Sigh- wish I had two kids that would pose and smile at the same time.
The Odells. Poor Jack he had a tough time even doing this little smile- his mouth hurt. Our Family. And, one of my favorite pictures- our family in one shot. Then we decided to take Matt's hat and play around. The kids were also given a few extra cameras so there were LOTS of outtakes from this night. This is how Justin feels about the end of Family Picture Night.
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