Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here we are just before heading out. Note Justin's shoes. The kids had a great time. Justin starts out like a mad man, running, jumping, and dashing around. But he tires out about halfway. Dragging himself up the driveways, riding in the stroller between houses. Finally at the end not even getting out of the stroller. Jessica is pretty steady but after an hour or so she is done. Now we have more candy than I need to have in the house- I have already had more than my fair share- yum! The kids got a bunch of full size Baby Ruth bars- are those popular? do you think there was a sale on those? That is what I was thinking as I ate mine tonight. Hope you are all enjoying your sugar high (or crash) as well.


michelled said...

You must slurp a copy of this blog for your future daughter-in-law. Awesome Halloween posts. Loved the pumpkins. We failed in that area this year. Not one carved pumpkin.

Bec Odell said...

Very cute! I am quite impressed with your costume making skills. Too bad you couldn't talk Justin into being the tin man. Or a flying monkey! That would have been awesome!

Kathy Stewart said...

Adorable! Great job on the hand made costume. It's so much better and cuter than the store bought ones.