This makes me happy. This makes them happy. This is how they would spend every morning if they were allowed. In their jammies until noon. Their stuffed animals all around. Legos and other toys brought into play in various ways. Their imaginations run amok in their own world. Their voices changing with each character. Their story getting more and more elaborate. This fills their weekend and this is mostly how we spent February vacation. This is perfection.
But sometimes I worry, "Is this a girly way to play?". Would Justin play this way if he didn't have a big sister that he worships that loves imaginative play?
Then Justin's friend Luke came over to play. And they settled right into their own Star Wars/ Batman/ Rescue Hero world- voices, stories, plots. It made me happy.
And what could hold the attention of two 5 year old boys you ask? Why a video game on our big TV of course.
8 years ago