This Saturday my in-laws, Corky and Howard are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary! (I will now pause for your cheers and rounds of applause). When I was younger and we would talk about what things we are looking for in our future husbands, I would always say I wanted to marry a man whose parents were still married to one another. As a child of divorce with both sets of grandparents also divorced I thought it would be nice for one of us to have a strong marriage role model in our life. [sidenote: don't worry there were many families in my life that offer me that model too]. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.
Without further ado I present to you the newlyweds. In this first picture I think you can clearly see where Justin's dimples come from- thank you Grandma!

So what does 50 years get you? They have lived in many different states, travelled the world together and apart, many wonderful stories and memories to share, quite a few inside jokes, and they have 3 great kids, 1 fabulous daughter in law, and 2 beautiful grandchildren.

How does one celebrate this momentous occasion? We all said they should take us on a cruise to celebrate- and they agreed! So we leave this weekend for a week long cruise together, we are excited to go and spend time with everyone and no one has to cook or clean.
Happy Anniversary!
Awesome!! Congratulations to this beautiful couple. And I can't believe those dimples! Lucky lady - glad she passed those down. Hope you take lots of photos on the cruise!!
That's great. I always assumed the dimples came from Dad! I assume Marc's grandparents are in the last of the wedding pix? I think he looks a lot like the gentleman in the blue tie on the left. Nice tribute. Hope you guys have a BLAST!!
Happy anniversary!! Boy, Meg looks so much like her mom! Beautiful pics!
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