Friday, January 11, 2008

Nice Weather

The weather has been unseasonably warm here this week. It even got into the 60s on Tuesday. So Justin and I went outside to play. It was very fun because we could just wear sweatshirts but still throw snowballs. Here is my little devil...

Nothing is funnier than trying to hit your mom holding a camera with a snowball...

and I LOVE this next picture. He tried to throw a snowball at me from around the corner of the PODS in our driveway. He totally missed but I screamed like he hit me. He bounded around the corner hysterical thinking he got me and 'click' I got that face.


Bec Odell said...

love that one too. what a fun mom you are!

PS - what is up with word verification? That is a PIMA.

Deb Hanna said...

sorry Bec, fixed the word identification thing.

Mrs. Cook said...

I love his haircut, and nice last shot. Even if he was having evil thoughts of slamming mommy with a snowball.. :)