Friday, January 25, 2008

So Proud I Might Burst!

A week or so before Christmas Jessica mentioned that she was thinking about donating some of her money to kids who don't have any money. I told her I thought that was nice idea and we should think about where she wants her money to go. We didn't really talk about it again, I wanted to see if she brought it up again on her own. Well last week, after she lost her tooth, she came downstairs and told me that her piggy bank was full and we needed to decide where she should give her money. We decided that since she loves going to the YMCA camp it would be nice if she gave her money to help another child attend camp. Here she is counting her money yesterday. She decided to give half to the YMCA and keep half of her money. So we made two piles, one to keep and one to give away. She had a total of $6.05, so we decided to give $3.02 and Marc and I told her we would match her donation.

I called the YMCA today to set it up before we arrived. I really wanted there to be someone to take her money and make a big deal about her gesture. Judy, the Executive Director, met us when we arrived. She told Jessica a story about two little boys who go to camp and live with their grandparents. Recently their grandfather died and Jessica's donation would go to helping them attend camp again this summer.

While we would love to take credit for her generousity I don't know if we can. I think it is just who Jessica is, a caring, kind and generous person. I wasn't sure where she got the idea but she told Judy that a girl in dance class mentioned that she gave food to people and Jessica thought it would be a good idea to give money. As some of you know we have debated giving her an allowance. Marc's big argument is "why does she need money?", well if this is what she is going to do with her money than I think an allowance may be in her future.


Bec Odell said...

Awww...that Jessica. What a good girl she is. And good for you guys for making a big deal out of it. Honestly it's something that she will probably always remember. Maybe she'll mention it as a defining moment years from now when she wins a big philanthropy award. Oh, oh, she can use it for her college application essay too. Is that wrong to instantly go to how she can "use" the experience? Seriously, good for her. I'm proud of her too.

Mrs. Cook said...

That is great. What a sweetie! And I must say, well written log entry.

Kelly H. said...

I think it was all the spiritual guidance she gets from her Godparents...seriously, you can't beat that. She's an amazing kid, but we all knew that already!!!

Anonymous said...

OK. I'm inspired. Sending matching $3 to Jessica for the Y.

Anonymous said...

So...I'll admit it...I got a little teary over this story. It is very sweet! I am glad the little boy will get to go to camp. Thanks Jessica!!

Kathy Stewart said...

That so great. And awesome that you took pictures. It will help intstill the memory of it for her. What a great scrapbooker you are?