Monday, April 28, 2008

Day at Forest Park

Bec and I took the kids to Forest Park on Thursday. I took some portraits of her kids (see other blog) and then we all went into the Zoo. I put my camera away, so these were taken by Bec. They were doing Pony rides that day at the Zoo and Justin was SO EXCITED. It took me by surprise. He ran to the signs, he pulled me by the hand, he said, "please please please", so how could a mom say no? You know he is happy because he was smiling for a camera (not looking at it, but I have to take what I can get).

Here we all are on the MassMutual Express train that goes around the park. We had a very fun day and loved the nice weather.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Light Class

My Light Photography Workshop has started. I had my first assignment and really struggled with getting it right. I took MANY pictures until I think I got one that worked.

The price of photography

So while I was making dinner last night I looked out the window at Justin playing in the backyard. The late day sun was hitting him just right and colors on his shirt made the whole thing pop. I couldn't resist and went out to take some pictures. The end result? I burned my porkchops because I forgot I was making dinner. But I got these pictures...

After we had a different dinner I took this one of Jessica. It is totally OOF (Out of Focus- photo speak) but I love it anyway.

My Little Book Lover

Went upstairs the other day to take some pictures of Jessica's room in order to post them when the house is on the market. Before I made her bed I had to take a picture. Jessica falls asleep in a puddle of books every night. In fact this pile is nothing compared to what we usually find. She loves reading and has to read before going to sleep- just like me.

A Day at Roaring Brook

The last time that Justin spent the night at Grandmommy's they went to Roaring Brook Nature Center. Justin asked to go back every day for the week after he came home, he really wanted to go back again with Jessica this time. Since this past week was vacation week we decided to go down to CT on Tuesday and go to Roaring Brook. We had a nice walk and Justin liked feeling like the "pro". I was trying to get some pics of Grandmommy with the kids, included an outtake or two for your amusement.

here is an outake...

Justin's not quite in focus, but I like it anyway.

Inside the Nature Center playing "Can you find me?"

After Roaring Brook, Justin and I headed home and Jessica spent the night. They stayed up late watching American Idol and now Jessica is hooked.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Two fun pics

Ok, these are not the best pictures technically, but I really like them. Jack's birthday party was at the Holyoke Children's Museum and we all went to the carousel before the party. I took these pictures while going around and around and around, so excuse my poor focus, but I love their expressions.

Jessica's new obsession

Marc found a great deal for a refurb bright pink MP3 player. He loaded it with Hannah Montana songs and handed it over to Jessica. She is in heaven. At first Justin just sat next to her and watched her singing. Then I remembered that we have a dual headphone jack and plugged him in to. So Fun! The two of them dancing and singing around the house, in the backyard, and in the car.

Camping Fun!

Last Saturday night Daddy camped out with both kids in the backyard. Justin was so excited, it was his first time. Jessica has done it before but Daddy had told him in the fall that you had to be 5 before you could camp, so it was very cool that the 5 rule was lifted. The kids had a great time. They slept in the big tent and Daddy slept in the small tent (Mommy slept inside the house on her nice soft bed). Here is Justin, so excited...

Jessica explaining about toasting marshmallows. Justin later explained that he doesn't really like marshmallows (mind you a day doesn't go by that he asks for PB & Fluff).
And leave it to Justin to find a way to make marshmallows into a weapon [earlier this week I saw him take a stalk of broccoli and turn it into a weapon].


A few weeks ago we got the results from the biopsy of Bonk's tumor. It was malignant. The doctor said they couldn't tell what kind of tumor it was, there were more tests they could run on the matter that may or may not tell us anything. We declined. He isn't sure if he got it all out, he doesn't know if it will grow back. Chemotherapy is an option, we declined. Bonk is 13 years old so we don't think it would make sense or be kind. For now we are in a watch and wait pattern. He is in good spirits and nothing seems wrong. When that changes and he gets sick or seems to be in pain than we will have some tough decisions to make. But for now we are enjoying his company. The kids are especially loving to him lately. He has taken to helping us put the kids to bed at night if he is inside. They really enjoy when he jumps on the bed and listens to their bedtime story. I decided to make sure I take pictures of him too, not just the kids, he is my first baby after all.

My Little Ponies

Sara came over to play one day last week. Her mom told her she could bring 10 ponies, but it seems that Sara was able to stuff 25 ponies in her backpack unnoticed. It was a beautiful day so I told them they had to play outside. So between Sara's ponies and Jessica's very large collection my deck and backyard looked like this....

I realize the days are numbered for the ponies. Honestly at age 7 she is probably on the older side for these. But I love the innocence that these toys represent. They are so sweet and she has loved playing with her ponies for so many years. I have given away or sold off many of their toys, but I think the ponies are staying even when she is tired of them because they are so much a part of her and who she is right now.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Playing with some pictures.

I know these are not everybody's cup of tea, but I am trying some new photoshop techniques. What do you think?

Marc's New Toy

Ugh! Marc was begging to buy these. I said no. He begged some more. I said no. He showed the kids videos of just how cool they were so they would beg me too. I said no. Then... well... see... there was something that I wanted that cost about as much so I say yes with the deal that I got what I wanted too. I am taking a photography light workshop starting in a week or so and Marc got Powerisers. He has high hopes and dreams about doing flips some day soon (I have visions of another back surgery- oh wait trying to be supportive). I am told you can find lots of videos on You Tube with examples of people using these ridiculous things.

And here is the only picture you will see of me on Powerisers. They scared the crap out of me. [note leaning on car to make sure I don't crash and burn when Marc was too far away to catch me]

Some Kitchen Before and Afters

By popular demand I bring you before and afters of our kitchen. Basically it took me this long to clean the room. So say goodbye to the 80s/90s country stenciling look....

And say hello to some more Shaker Beige and White trim....

goodbye to the shelf, heart switchplate, and mail spilling all over the table...
I am sure anyone who has ever entered my house has never seen it look like this...

It is so much nicer and brighter without the dark turquoise trim. Marc admitted this weekend that as we look at houses he checks out the trim color and if it is already white he moves the house up a little on his list. Painting over all of our dark trim took 3 coats, and it wasn't just in this room, very annoying.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Little Red Hen Puppet Show

Jessica's Brownie Troop put on a puppet show today at the Life Care Center. They made the puppets themselves and had all practiced their parts. They did a great job and were totally adorable.
Hiding behind the table getting ready.

Singing Old McDonald at the end.

A few of the girls with their puppets...

Oh, and here are two pics of Miss A that took a few weeks ago that I don't think I ever shared with her mom. I am putting them in here since I think her mom will be reading this entry, right Andrea?