Friday, April 25, 2008

Camping Fun!

Last Saturday night Daddy camped out with both kids in the backyard. Justin was so excited, it was his first time. Jessica has done it before but Daddy had told him in the fall that you had to be 5 before you could camp, so it was very cool that the 5 rule was lifted. The kids had a great time. They slept in the big tent and Daddy slept in the small tent (Mommy slept inside the house on her nice soft bed). Here is Justin, so excited...

Jessica explaining about toasting marshmallows. Justin later explained that he doesn't really like marshmallows (mind you a day doesn't go by that he asks for PB & Fluff).
And leave it to Justin to find a way to make marshmallows into a weapon [earlier this week I saw him take a stalk of broccoli and turn it into a weapon].

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