A few weeks ago we got the results from the biopsy of Bonk's tumor. It was malignant. The doctor said they couldn't tell what kind of tumor it was, there were more tests they could run on the matter that may or may not tell us anything. We declined. He isn't sure if he got it all out, he doesn't know if it will grow back. Chemotherapy is an option, we declined. Bonk is 13 years old so we don't think it would make sense or be kind. For now we are in a watch and wait pattern. He is in good spirits and nothing seems wrong. When that changes and he gets sick or seems to be in pain than we will have some tough decisions to make. But for now we are enjoying his company. The kids are especially loving to him lately. He has taken to helping us put the kids to bed at night if he is inside. They really enjoy when he jumps on the bed and listens to their bedtime story. I decided to make sure I take pictures of him too, not just the kids, he is my first baby after all.
8 years ago
Awwww...Bonky. He looks so handsome in the second one. Looks like his shaved spot is growing in nicely too.
Literally the first words I thought of were "Oh, Bonky." Well, he's very well loved by all that know him, so I think that's a good sign of a well lived life. I hope he's well for a lot longer.
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